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21. neighbourhood (γειτονιά)
:: Though it is rarely discussed few argue that the poor and oppressed have the political capital necessary to compete for the federal funding and social programs that often go to wealthier cities and neighbourhoods
22. neither (κανενα απο τα δυο)
:: He disagrees but neither of us can fight the fact that things are weird
23. nephew (ανιψιός)
:: On occasion his position became hereditary sons cousins nephews succeeding
24. nerve (νεύρο)
:: People lose their nerve in the middle of a sentence and walk off muttering they sit and brood by themselves and best yet all the time people are getting stupid drunk
25. nervous (νευρικός)
:: We were pretty stressed and nervous about taking Arthur after the horrible accident of last weekend
26. nest (φωλιά)
:: They would sit at the bottom of the stands with their wares sitting in a nest of ice chipped from a big block answering requests from the fans above them
27. net (καθαρά)
:: Approval even came over the radio net to shoot dogs to prevent them from being rigged with explosives
28. network (δίκτυο)
:: network television
29. never (ποτέ)
:: Ill never ever forget him
30. nevertheless (παρ 'όλα αυτά)
:: While his education was intense it was nevertheless exclusively in philosophy
31. new (νέος)
:: The new logo has been created to coincide with the move and to mark new beginnings
32. newly (πρόσφατα)
:: Hands trembling while holding your newly acquired gadget you dash to your car
33. news (Νέα)
:: Theres a story in the news reporting that Oxford Street may get a pedestrian fast lane
34. newspaper (εφημερίδα)
:: Taylor likes to tell the story about how he once invited newspapers to join him on the Net
35. next (Επόμενο)
:: In the next room is a bed three mattresses on the floor and a single shelf for their belongings
36. next to (δίπλα στο)
37. nice (όμορφη)
:: Paris is a nice city
39. niece (ανηψιά)
:: When one of our children nieces or nephews or close friend is killed or maimed by a drunk driver it will be too late
40. night (Νύχτα)
:: At night it will glow bright white and it will look quite beautiful
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