Topic Wise Words

Topic Leisure:: PAGE #16

:: They were higher than any other boat when the little ship gave a lurch downwards and uttered a slow groan:: Equally distinctive are Lartigues photos of people zooming around in the latest highpowered vehicles bobsleighs gokarts racing cars rickety airplanes:: And how has being injured affected his approach to riding bulls and broncos :: The amazing thing is that our reporters our public and our government buys into their charade :: He also said that the security measures in the court buildings would be tightened:: Theres also a desperate need to help people have their livestock survive by getting fodder to them:: He puts the fencing foil back on the wall and asks Petofi if he needs a doctor:: A jacket or cape moved from its original use and buttoned on the hips becomes a skirt a scarf become a belt a sarong a halter top:: I also need a hammer and nails picture hooks and the step ladder:: Mary Lyons takes part in the model making competitions and two Olympic handball teams from the area compete in the All Ireland finals:: a foxs hole:: It is mandatory that each hotel and tourist spot employs lifeguards at their swimming pools he added:: She inherited the place from a maiden aunt Erica said:: an expert in origami:: He was the pick of the performers last season at halfback and stood out as one of the better players in a team that has taken a battering weekin and weekout:: I read some books aloud as she sewed and then we packed a picnic lunch and ate it by a nearby spring:: And it scores high in the three attributes that separate the good from the great poolrooms quality of equipment style of dcor and respect for the game:: I try not to get into them too often but what I will nibble on are pretzels dipped in ranch dressing :: They rope his hand and attach the other end to a door bolt and leave the poor dolt there:: I never bungee jumped or skydived or participated in a daring dangerous sport:: Its lack of steps and stiles makes it fully accessible to horse riders mountain bikers and walkers:: When one considers the wisdom of having women lying down with their legs in lithotomy stirrups one can see that although the thighs are abducted in this position the sacrum and coccyx are being pressed upwards and consequently the anteroposterior diameters of the cavity and outlet of the pelvis are reduced:: He paused and listened and it reminded him of breaking surf :: As with shaping or glassing surfboards there is nothing like trying it yourself for a truly humbling experience:: The key concept in catching waves in all forms of surfing is to try to match approaching wave speed:: Crossing the carpeted floor to the counter I set my tote on the gray marble surface and unzipped it:: Overhead the stars wheel in the heavens and a bright bright moon shines down on the fields and on the house itself for its clear tonight
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